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Board & Staff



From Executive Director Jaime Motes:

Dear Friends of the Songs for Sound,

As a grassroots non-profit, we rely on volunteers to help us achieve our mission. Of those volunteers is our Board of Directors. Our board consists of the most talented people who care about executing our mission and donate their time to provide support and expert guidance. Now, more than ever, we need this leadership.

Since I started as Executive Director in 2012 I have needed to embrace letting go of responsbilities and embracing a board of directors. In 2024, I have a professional goal to work more closely with our board members to make sure that we become healthier and more financially independent, that our boots-on-the-ground efforts are more effective and that we are doing everything with absolute excellence. We have onboarded five new members in 2024 and look to add 1-2 more members by July when Dr. Modeste rolls off the board. 

This is an exciting time for Songs for Sound. Together we will continue to work hard to increase awareness and access for hearing loss resources and nurture people into action through hearing technology and therapies that change lives.