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Songs for Sound Charity - Host a Free Virtual Hearing Health Event

Join the Songs for Sound "Hear the Music" Movement & Help Your Community by Providing Free Virtual Hearing Tests, Free Electronic Resources, Access to Affordable Hearing Technology. Every Test Given will Help Someone in Need Receive the Gift of Hearing.
Nashville, TN

Songs for Sound is a charity founded by the Vernon family. Lexi Vernon was born deaf, but missed on multiple trips to healthcare professionals. From pediatrician to an Audiologist, the Vernon family were repeatedly told "Lexi is fine". She never even received her newborn hearing screening.

The Vernon family believes Lexi's story was orchestrated so they would feel passion to help those suffering from hearing loss. Today, Lexi is a thriving 12 year old who is a joyful student-athlete, makes honor roll, is a part of her church's youth group, plays competitive sports and LOVES to "hear the music". The day her deafness turned into her being able to hear her mother's lullaby sparked a global movement. As her mother & SFS founder, Jaime, puts it "when she finally heard me singing her to sleep and her head slowly fell onto my was as if time stood still. I want everyone to have that gift at any age; the ability to "hear the music" and heal from life's ups and downs."

To date, they've hosted over 800 free hearing health events, have a free hearing health clinic that provides free testing and resources, conduct international hearing missions, have served over 2000 veterans, provided over 26,000 free hearing tests and have raised over $1 million to support people in need.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, Songs for Sound recognized a need. Pharmacies, doctor's offices, retail stores, manufacturing job sites, construction sites, cancer clinics, charities, schools and more could easily help us change the world by hosting one of our free hearing health kiosks. Now that Covid-19 has drastically changed our lifestyles, we've fast-forwarded this program.

The inability to hear or hear well can lead to low literacy outcomes, speech delays, poor brain health, joblessness, depression and more. This isn't theory, this is proven and backed by decades of research.

There are so many incredible solutions and like our family, people struggle to navigate their own hearing health journey or the to help a family member in need.

Please consider participating in our movement to end hearing loss and give back the gift we've been given.

JOIN OUR MOVEMENT: Host a Songs for Sound Charity "HEAR THE MUSIC" EVENT.
- we will provide a free hearing health testing kiosk
- every kiosk will be equipped with cleaning supplies and maintained
- results are HIPAA compliant
- results/resources are sent electronically to the participant's email address
- each person who has less than normal hearing will be given options to access affordable care
- any person in need of financial assistance can apply directly through our foundation for help/affordability
- we will deliver and pick up the kiosk to and from your location
- tech support is provided
- the opportunity to join our charity and movement is given at each hearing test taken
- this will increase foot traffic to your location as we will advertise and provide free publicity for your organization as a Songs for Sound partner.

REGISTER TODAY. For any questions, email Gina Bailey at